Boris Dzhingarov

3 Home Exterior Upgrades to Improve Home Security

exterior upgrades, Lighting, security gate

Each year, about 2.5 million burglaries happen in the United States. 66 percent of these burglaries are home invasions.

The thought that your home can be the target of an invasion can be distressing. Even if the criminals break into your home when there’s no one at home when they can put your loved ones’ lives in danger, burglars can still make away with your valuables. On average, homeowners lose $2,661 per act of burglary.

The good news is that you can beef up your home security and deter criminals from targeting your homes. In today’s post, we highlight three easy home exterior upgrades that will deter even the most determined burglar.

1. Install a Security Gate

A well-designed safety gate is your home’s first line of defense against criminals. The fact is burglars usually target the easiest targets they can find, and a home without a gate is an inviting option. It makes it seem easy to break into your home.

When it comes to security gates, there’s a range of designs from which to choose. Most builders will allow you to order a custom gate that suits your unique security needs and personal preferences. Along with security gates, many providers offer home security doors.

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You may want to consider an automatic gate, which gives you complete control over who gets in and out of your home.

2. Invest in Home Security Cameras

Home surveillance cameras should be part of any smart home security system today. These cameras let you view your home and its surroundings at any given time and from any location.

Home security cameras are especially preferred for two options. First, the mere presence of these cameras, especially when well visible, can deter criminals from targeting your home. No burglar wants to be caught, so they’d rather target a home without surveillance cameras.

But even if you’ve installed hidden home security cameras, the footage they record during a home burglary can aid the police in catching the perpetrators.

3. Invest in Exterior Lighting

Sure, most burglaries happen during the day when homeowners are away from home. But some invaders prefer to strike at night when it’s dark and there’s less chance of being seen.

Outdoor lights are a great option if you want to prevent burglary at night. They’re a simple yet highly effective way of safeguarding your home by shining a light on possible hiding spots for burglars.

Currently, there are many modern, stylish lights that come with home sensors. These lights illuminate when someone approaches them, giving the illusion that there’s someone home. That discourages potential burglars.

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Enhancing Your Home Security Is a Worthy Investment

While there’s no telling when criminals may strike, there are many practical ways you can stay prepared. By investing in a few home exterior upgrades, you can dramatically beef up your home security and ward off burglars or catch them in case they break into your home.

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