Articles for tag: Dubrovnik, Interior design

Dubrovnik Interior Design Trends

Dubrovnik’s city walls provide breathtaking panoramic views of the Adriatic Sea from Old Town, while their complex system of towers and forts demonstrate their commitment to protection throughout its turbulent history. An elegant 3-person reception desk crafted of Carrara marble sits to the left of entrance. Dark timber panelling decorates its front face and brass ...

Interior Design Trends in Texas

No matter who they are or when they came to Texas, everyone has different interior design tastes. 2024 sees several trends that allow Texans to express themselves by designing homes that reflect who they really are and their individual personalities. Integrating artisanal fixtures into your decor can add personality and dimension. Furthermore, opting for open ...


Interior Design Masters Winner Banjo Beale

Banjo dazzled Interior Design Masters judges with his creativity and wild imagination, leading him to relocate to an island off Scotland where he makes cheese. Now, Ideal Home shares this passion by featuring Banjo’s tartan blanket collection as part of its campaign. Banjo edged out eight other contestants to claim victory and secure a contract ...

Anders Timberson

kitchen design errors

Avoiding Kitchen Design Errors

Attractively designed kitchens should stand the test of time; following interior design trends shouldn’t be taken as an indicator for the space’s function or durability. Doing otherwise can create long-term headaches. There are a few kitchen layout mistakes you should try to avoid when planning your dream kitchen. Not Taking Advantage of All the Available ...


Interior Design Trends in Europe

Europe has long been known as an innovative center for interior design trends. Their most current trends range from organic materials and minimalist decor to newcomer trends like 3D-printing. Americans tend to favor larger homes, while Europeans favor building smaller properties with unique details and furniture. Many European families also inherit properties dating back several ...


Top Interior Design Firms in Argentina

Argentina boasts an array of architectural styles that reflect its diversity, from Spanish Baroque designs to Rioplatense styles and Italian/French influences. Argentina’s residential projects, whether in urban or rural settings, often showcase striking designs. These stunning structures are constructed with a strong sense of individuality, blending new formal concepts with meticulous craftmanship. BR Interiores Buenos ...


2022 Bathroom Trends to Try When You Upgrade Your Space

Did you know that the average bathroom renovation project costs around $9,000? Of all the renovations you could make to improve your house, renovating the bathroom can be one of the most expensive.  While bathroom renovations can be pricey, there are many benefits to upgrading your bathroom. It can increase your house value, make it ...

Boris Dzhingarov

5 Common Bathroom Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When we think of home design, one of the last places that likely comes to mind is the bathroom. Unlike the kitchen or living room, it’s not where we spend quality time with family or create cherished memories, but it’s a crucial element of your home nonetheless. The ideal bathroom is a perfect blend of utility ...

Boris Dzhingarov

Interior Painting At Home – Tips To Consider

Interior painting refers to the process of applying interior paint on walls, floors, ceilings and other major interior furnishings of a room. As the name implies, interior painting is the application of paint on the interior part of a room. Painting is done not only for decorating purposes but also for protection reasons from dust, ...


4 Ideas For A Home Bar On A Budget

4 Ideas For A Home Bar On A Budget

If you always dreamed of owning a home bar but you thought you have to invest a lot of money in this home project, rest assured that there are many ways you can have your very own personalized bar without breaking your bank account. First off all, you have to decide what kind of home ...