
The Benefits of Made-to-Measure Furniture

Bedroom, Design, Furniture

We all know how difficult it can be to find that piece of furniture that you think will compliment your newly decorated room perfectly.

I personally have been have been known to be walking up and down the isle of my local furniture stockists trying to find something that fits.


When I say “fits” I am of course referring to a number of things:

  • Fitting your style: if you have already made the majority of your decisions about the design of your property, then it can be difficult to find a piece of furniture that will slot seamlessly in with the rest of your room’s features.
  • Fitting the space: the piece of furniture is only as good as the spac allows. There is no point having the most stylish wardrobe around if it doesn’t physically fit in your property. Likewise there is little point in having a modern nightstand in your room if it is so small that that it struggles to make an impact against its surroundings. It is therefore vital that the furniture piece is the optimum height, width and depth to suit your room’s requirements.
  • Fitting your budget: if you are lucky enough to fulfill the first 2 points mentioned above, then it is likely that you will have had to make a tough decision at some point as to whether to break your budget to achieve perfection. It is difficult to say “no” to a piece of furniture, especially if you have faced a real struggle to find one that meets the dimensions and style of your room.
Also Read:  How Do I Furnish My New Home on a Budget?


Made-to-Measure Furniture
By under CC BY-SA 2.0


How to work around this?

One great way to work around this is to consider having furniture designed for you that is made-to-measure.

Investing in fitted bedrooms and bespoke furniture will give you greater control over how it looks and will be able to ensure that it fits perfectly into the allocated room space.

Fair enough, it could be argued that having made-to-measure furniture designed by a skilled interior design company may be more expensive initially, but the exact decisions about the build of the furniture are yours to make. This greater control means you can choose to leave out some features if it stretches your budget too far, or you can opt for a different type of wood finish over another if it benefits your bank balance.

Away from this you also have to take into account the many fruitless hours you may waste traipsing round furniture stores trying to find a rare furniture piece that meets all your requirements. The phrase “finding a needle in a hay stack” springs to mind!

Think of all the time, money and stress you can avoid by having your furniture made to your exact requirements. If you have the money to do so, this is certainly an avenue worth exploring, especially if your requirements are not likely to be met by the basic furniture selections on sale in most retail furniture stores.

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As with anything it is worth shopping around and seeing exactly what is out there, however if you are struggling it is worth remembering some of the key benefits of made-to-measure furniture that I have mentioned above – they may come in useful!