Boris Dzhingarov

Information on Real Estate Communities

Real estate

Established in 1998, Real Estate Communities (RR Communities) is a real estate agency providing property search and analysis features to assist property owners searching for new homes. The company offers an easy to use web site that includes an interactive real estate marketplace for real estate agents and real estate providers. The site includes many different categories including: Condos, Townhouses, Family Homes, Mobile Homes, Rentals, Manufactured Homes, Leases, Property Management, Consulting Properties, Arts and Crafts, Structured Settlements, and Waterfront properties. Many of these categories have specific listings that provide additional information on homes.

real estate communities


For those who are not real estate brokers, but are interested in purchasing a home, the site provides helpful information and useful tools to help you find your perfect home. There are listings of houses, neighborhoods, submarkets, regions and cities. The categories also include data on helpful information such as price, square footage, mortgage rates, asking prices, average sales prices, and the condition of the home.

Real Estate Communities is a helpful resource for both buyers and sellers to make the most informed buying and selling decisions. It also provides helpful information on locating the perfect home for any specific person or family. The site is promoted by real estate agents with professional credentials. Featured real estate teachers include Certified Real Estate Educators (RES), Licensed Real Estate Agents (FIR), and Appraisal Management Educators (AMEA).

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For those who would like to use the site without being connected to a real estate agent, there is a free “Sample Thread” available. This is helpful information and tool section where anyone can get a glimpse of what the site has to offer. This section will allow users to explore real estate by category, subcategory, region and city. The sample thread can be accessed by visiting the forum.

Users can also view a limited number of sample threads that are restricted to a particular region. This feature is available to all real estate sales licensees. The” Sample Thread “is also available at the “About” section of the site. A sample thread about the Miami area can be viewed by visiting the forum.

Inman Home is one of the most successful real estate marketing ventures, similar to Esplanade in Naples Florida. Inman is promoted heavily by real estate agents. The real estate community offers listings from coast to coast. It also has a “Marketplace” section where anyone can visit to place an order. Other real estate communities are similar to Inman by offering convenient locations, great deals on housing, and valuable information that can benefit sellers, buyers and real estate experts alike.