
How To Sand Your Floor Like A Pro

Floor sanding

There are many different ways in which we can revitalize our home and make it look fresh again, without having to invest a lot of money in the process. Floor sanding is a great example of that. Most people just hire someone to get the job done but the truth is that if you have no problems in getting a little dirty, you can get everything done over the weekend, alone, for just around 100 dollars. This usually includes replacement costs and you will surely love the fact that you do not need any advanced skills to get the job done right.

Sanding your floors

When sanding your floors, you will need a cold chisel, a nail punch, wood filler, sanders (floor and edging), protection gear (dust masks, ear protection and eye goggles), white spirit, a non-abrasive cloth and white masking tape. Let us get the job done right by following the steps below:

1. Preparation

All pictures and coverings have to be removed. It is also a good idea to remove the curtains and all the furniture that you can. Dust sheets can be used in order to cover items that are left inside the room and air is always a good thing so open all windows and doors. Internal doors should be sealed with the use of masking tape so that you do not end up with a house that is filled with dust.

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Floor Sanding
By Steve Swayne under CC BY-SA 2.0


2. Dealing With Broken Boards

There is always the possibility that you find some boards that have to be replaced because of physical damage or because wood is rotten. In order to replace boards you need same sized/color/shape boards and the replacing can be done with the use of cold chisels. In the event that the floor is put in place with screws, you have to be a little careful in placing the boards back but most floors do not use screws nowadays.

3. Take Care Of Loose Boards

Wood changes shape as time passes as it loses humidity so loose boards are possible. If you find one, use nail battens at the joints or on the edges. Make sure that the board sits flush. In each corner you have to drill clearance holes so that wood would not split when you screw it in place. Suitable screws can be bought from the local hardware store if necessary.

4. Take Care Of Gaps

Nobody wants to have gaps in the flooring. Try to prise up those boards that are closer to the wall. Then, shift every single board together. If necessary, add more and only after there are no gaps left you can nail back. This is what will take a lot of time and patience. Make sure that you have wood filler at hand in order to fix any minor damage that can appear during this step.

Also Read:  Different Kinds of Flooring Solutions

5. Eliminate Raised Nails

The nail punch can be used for this purpose. Double check so that no uneven nails appear.

6. It Is Time To Sand

You would obviously use a floor sander for this. One can be rented at many hardware stores. Make sure that you go diagonally and not straight on the length of the board. If you have boards that are in a very bad shape, you can start with sanding sheets that are medium grade. Coarse sheets can be used with major stains.

You should not hurry during sanding. The machine has to keep running so that no rut forms and deep stains can be removed by simply criss-crossing in opposite directions. When you get rid of those areas that were really bad, switch back to medium grade sheets.

As soon as the ugly stains are removed, start working in the board’s direction and the last step of the sanding process is using fine abrasive sheets. Do not go diagonally or horizontally here!

7. Taking Care Of Edges

You have to use round edging sanders. Coarse discs should be used first and try to be really close to skirting boards. Chisels are useful for eliminating dirt in the event that it is present in the corners of the room.

Also Read:  How to Restore Shine to a Wood Floor


Floor Cleaning
By Steve Swayne under CC BY-SA 2.0


8. Time To Start Cleaning

Use your vacuum to get rid of most of the dust in the room. Finer dust can be eliminated with a cloth that is dampened in white spirit. Grease would also be eliminated with the use of the cloth. Pay close attention to the shoes that you use. They need to have a soft sole so that you do not damage the floor as it is now unsealed.

9. Sealing Boards

Paint or wood finish needs to be used to seal the boards. Instructions are included with these products and if you have doubts, talk to someone at the hardware store. A minimum of 2 coats is necessary. Those areas that see a lot of foot traffic (ie hallways) should have 3 coats. Overnight drying is needed.