
The Benefits of Utilizing a Thermal Detection System

home security systems, thermal detection

When the temperatures start to dip into the single digits in the summer heat, it’s time to look for a reliable alternative to relying on a trusty analog monitoring system, like an oil gauge or a fingertip-based thermometer. While these handy tools can keep track of temperature fluctuations, they don’t always provide the information needed by a business.

More advanced monitoring systems are available, however, which can better inform business managers and human resource professionals about employee temperatures, as well as offering real-time insights into critical problems such as employee breakups or unprofessional behavior.

Today’s most advanced temperature monitors even provide temperature calibration, allowing users to measure temperature changes in varying environments and customize reporting for optimal coverage and accuracy. These high-tech temperature tracking devices also provide advanced diagnostics and reporting capabilities for routine maintenance and management.

Thermal Detection Systems

One popular way of monitoring internal temperatures in the workplace is with thermal detection systems. One way, of course, would be to conduct a manual, good, old fashioned digital thermometer around the wrist, ideally an ideal option if you only have a handful of staff. However, what if you need to take temperatures of over ten people, affecting interpersonal communication, social distancing needs and slowing productivity down across the board?

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Time and attendance resources might prove problematic without the help of thermal detectors that can literally measure everything. And if your business also relies heavily on its workforce, which inevitably operates under stressful conditions, a thermal detection system becomes a must for everyone.

Types Of Systems

There are a number of options in thermal detection system monitoring, ranging from wrist-based thermometers to high-tech cameras that can detect a wide area in mere seconds. However, as important as these systems are to companies, a company’s location can actually impact temperature readings more than you’d think.

For example, a warehouse or factory could have a wide variety of obstacles that directly affect the productivity of staff. Such factors as poor ventilation, excessive noise or sudden temperature shifts could easily mislead or misread measurements, leading to inaccurate readings and, even worse, mistaking one employee for another.

When live video is brought into the equation, things become even more complicated, especially if it is imperative that a team of workers are able to work together in real time to interpret and correct the readings as quickly and accurately as possible.

How The System Works

With temperature monitoring systems, a thermal imaging camera records footage of visible and invisible temperatures throughout the facility in real time. This footage can then be processed by specially designed software and analyzed for patterns and anomalies.

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For example, high temperatures may be recorded in blue, while lower temperatures could be recorded in red. The footage could then be used to identify areas of concern or areas of the facility that are prone to temperature fluctuations, helping to prevent or remedy any potential problems before they adversely affect productivity.

Business Opportunities

Thermal imaging equipment is not limited to industrial applications, however. Businesses ranging from restaurants to healthcare facilities are finding the benefits of using thermal cameras as an effective way to monitor temperatures in their locations.

With today’s increasing awareness of health and safety issues, businesses that serve food need to be even more alert to potential food safety risks and vise versa.

While the primary function of thermal alarms is to alert personnel to unusual temperatures, they can also be used to identify trends in temperatures over a set period of time, helping business owners to identify areas of concern and adjust temperature levels accordingly. This is particularly important in the food industry, where certain foodstuffs are naturally more expensive when kept at warmer temperatures, while other foods are best served at lower temperatures to encourage people to eat healthier.

Final Thoughts

Although thermometers do offer the advantage of being able to measure temperatures from literally miles away, thermal imaging cameras allow for a far more economical means of monitoring temperature levels in the workplace. Employees can still be alerted to temperatures outside their control, but they do not need to worry about the cost of monitoring their own personal temperatures.

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Businesses can get real-time readings from temperature-sensors and use them to make informed decisions about staffing levels, kitchen space, and more. It is far easier to provide optimum service to customers when employees know that they are in control of their own temperatures, as opposed to relying upon external monitors to do so.

With a thermal imaging camera, business owners can ensure their staff are working in a comfortable environment, while reducing their risk of health and safety issues caused by temperature fluctuations or spikes.

Featured Image: Flickr