Boris Dzhingarov

The Wonderful World of Bugs: An Insect Egg Identification Guide

cockroaches, fleas, flies, pest removal, pests, termites

Did you know the average US home contains around 100 species of bug? This means that your home has a lot of critters to contend with. While many of them are harmless, do you know how to identify breeding grounds that look like they may be getting out of hand?

If not, then we are here to assist. Read on as we present the must-know insect egg identification guide.

Bedbug Eggs

Bedbugs are nasty creatures. They live in your mattress and bedding and come out at night to feast on blood and dead skin. They also spread around the home extremely quickly.

Bedbug eggs are really hard to remove using your own DIY methods. It is recommended you get a professional company to fumigate the house and remove them completely.

Luckily, these eggs are quite easy to identify. You will find them in egg clusters in and around furniture and fittings. They will also be close to the areas where adult bugs shelter during the day.

Eggs will be around 1 mm long and cracked open or complete. They will always have a pearl white coloration to them.


Identifying the eggs of cockroaches can be a little tough. That is because there are over 3000 species of cockroaches. Just as each one is different, their eggs also have differences as well.

One way to identify common cockroach eggs is the characteristic case they come in. Known as the ootheca, this protein hardens to protect the larvae within. The number of eggs housed in this case will vary depending upon the species.

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In some species, you will find that the ootheca drops off quite early. in others, it will remain until the insect species hatches.

Flea Eggs

There are many different species of flea, though the most common is the simple dog and cat flea. If your home and pets suffer from an infestation, then you can expect bites, discomfort, and irritation to follow. Unfortunately, it is not just a case of removing the fleas from your pet, as they may have left eggs elsewhere.

Most of a flea infestation remains in the egg stage. In fact, of all the flea activity in your home, 90% of it will be in the egg stage. This can proliferate quickly, as the average female can lay around thirty eggs per day.

Flea eggs can be white in color or transparent. Combined with their small size of around 0.5mm, this makes them extremely hard to spot.

Mosquito Eggs

Mosquitos thrive in and around stagnant water. Just a tiny amount in your yard or garden can see them thrive. As mosquitos have painful bites which carry a host of deadly diseases, you really don’t want them around.

Eggs will be black or brown and will sit upon the surface of the water in clumps of around 300 eggs. They have a long, thin shape.

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Butterfly Eggs

The eggs of a butterfly have a small dent at the top known as a micropyle. This hole is for the sperm to enter during fertilization. Other smaller holes in the egg, known as aeropyles, allow the larvae inside to breathe.

Butterfly eggs are generally laid in batches to increase the chances of survival. Each breeding spot is new so that predators are not lurking around the area for a quick meal.

Termite Eggs

Termite eggs are extremely troublesome, as they are often hidden out of sight. They will be tucked away in underground nests or in the cavities of the wood the termite has eaten away. This means your first sign of an infestation is often after much of the damage has been done.

Unlike many insect eggs, termite eggs have a traditional egg shape. They are a cloudy white in color and look like a type of fish roe or caviar. The first brood will number around 24 eggs, though this may go up or down on subsequent births.

As termite eggs are so hard to spot, you should consider having regular termite checks done. This ensures they are found before the damage to your home is complete.

Carpet Beetle

The Carpet Beetle itself should not cause any damage to your home. Some species produce only one litter per year, while some can produce around four litters. It is these young that will really cause damage to your home.

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They have the ability to eat through almost any organic material, including textiles, carpets, and paper. You may not even know about the infestation until you see the damage.

The eggs will be white or cream in color. They will have an oval shape with a spine at one end. You can find them in areas where upholstery, clothing, and lint have built up.

Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are one of the least damaging, but most annoying bugs you can have in the house. This is because they have a super-fast life cycle, hatching only 24 hours after being laid. All it takes is a piece of fruit that is about to turn and they can be all over the kitchen or pantry.

Fruit fly eggs will reach about 1/2mm in length. They will also be in decaying vegetation, as it provides a natural food source for the young. They have a yellow coloration and resemble the shape of a grain of rice.

Insect Egg Identification Guide

Do you have one that does not fit on our insect egg identification guide? Then speak to an expert. You may have a problem that could get serious, and at worse cause damage to your property.

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