
What House Painters Should Know About Painting Jobs

house painting, painters

House painters apply stains, paints, wall covering and ceiling textures on newly constructed and remodeled rooms. They usually work on both interior and exterior surfaces. In remodeling, they usually refresh existing cabinets and complete paint stripping on walls and trim. The activities of a painting contractor include preparation of the materials for painting, cleaning and setting up the painting area, and the actual painting process. Painting contractors must have excellent carpentry, design, and sewing skills, and must be able to work with a variety of materials. They are generally hired by remodeling companies to maintain the quality of the finished product.


Painting Processes

There are several types of painting processes that house painters perform. One type of painting includes spraying paints on a surface. Another involves applying paints directly to a surface or over an existing painted surface. A third method uses a roller to apply paint to a particular room or area. A painting contractor can also use various chemicals to coat surfaces, including muriatic acids and urea acid, or other chemicals like latex and urea.

Painting contractors start by preparing the surfaces to be painted. This includes scraping the surfaces for any loose debris, sanding them, and cleaning them thoroughly. After the surfaces are ready, house painters then move inside the house and begin the prep work. Preparing the walls includes removing wallpaper, applying wallboard padding, caulking and using finishing nails to fasten the new wallpaper to the studs.

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Interior Painting

The interior part of the house is next, and house painters will generally start there. Painting the walls involves applying the desired color to them. Most house painters to start with a small portion of the exterior house painting, and fill it with multiple colors. Once the prep work is complete, it’s time to move on to the living space. This involves painting the living space itself, including bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and any other open areas in the home. In addition, it may include adding siding to the outside of the home as well.

To protect the walls in the house from being scarred after painting, many homeowners hire interior painter services. Interior painter uses products that inhibit the re-soiling of the walls that have been painted. In order for a painting job to last, many homeowners also use quality outdoor paints. These outdoor paints help keep a painting project looking fresh, and many house painters include patio paints with their services.

Exterior Walls

Finally, the exterior walls need painting too. This may require some painting specialists to complete. When exterior walls need painting, it’s typically done by a house painter, because it’s difficult to paint them without creating a patch of bare metal. Many times, painters will also add siding to the side of homes that have been newly painted. If you’re hiring a house painter or interior painter, make sure you ask about their experience with different types of paints and how long they’ve been doing residential painting.